FB Graphics
FBGraphics (FBG) : Simple C 16, 24, 32 bpp generic graphics library with parallelism support and custom backend.
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_fbgFB Graphics context data structure
 C_fbg_dispmanx_contextDispmanx wrapper data structure
 C_fbg_fbdev_contextFbdev wrapper data structure
 C_fbg_fontBitmap font data structure
 C_fbg_gba_contextFbdev wrapper data structure
 C_fbg_gles2_contextOpenGL ES 2.0 wrapper data structure
 C_fbg_glfw_contextGLFW wrapper data structure
 C_fbg_hslHSL color data structure
 C_fbg_imgImage data structure
 C_fbg_rgbRGBA color data structure
 C_fbg_vbo_dataStruct which hold usual VBO data for 3D objects